Thursday 3 April 2014

Beijing China, City Of a Former Royal Heritage

Rehman travels

Beijing is also a well-known city in the world with a number of advantages in the field of tourism, it is certainly attract many tourists to come and see firsthand the greatness of the city directly. Among the things we can do while in Beijing was to visit the Forbidden City. Is the Forbidden City here is a former royal heritage that has been in the renovation after a fire and demolition in the past, try to join a tour to visit this place because then we will also understand the story behind the history of the place. Buildings in the Forbidden City is offering more than 9,000 rooms spread over an area of ​​250 hectares. Apart from that we are also able to visit Tiananmen Square, which is a city square in the world. well, the predicament is usually used for area festivals, demonstrations, and parades in beijing. If you are lucky when come there was held an annual event or something, of course, can add your experience, right?

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