Tuesday 25 March 2014


"Nepal is a land of sublime scenery, time-worn temples, and some of the best hiking trails on earth. It's the kind of country that lingers in your dreams long after you leave it. This is why so many travellers are drawn back to Nepal, armed the second time round with a greater appreciation of its natural and cultural complexity, a stout pair of walking boots and a desire for sculpted calf muscles.

Here are the interesting places to see in Nepal:

1. Kathmandu Valley:

Kathmandu Valley, the political, commercial and cultural hub of Nepal, is the first stop for the majority of visitors to the country. The valley contains three fabled cities, Kathmandu,Patan (Lalitpur) and Bhaktapur. The history of the Katmandu Valley begins with the Buddhist saint Manjushree who slashed a passage through the surrounding green hills to drain out the primordial waters and make it inhabitable. Over the centuries, a refined urban civilization emerged, built on a unique synthesis of Hinduism and Buddhism. Dynasties came and went.

2. Nagarkot:

Nagarkot, situated 32 km east of Kathmandu, is one of the most scenic spot in Bhaktapur District. The place famous for its spectacular sunrise view of the Himalaya when the weather is clear. Many visitors travel to Nagarkot from Kathmandu and stay overnight just because to witness and enjoy the breathtaking sunrise view of the snow-topped peaks of the Himalaya range, especially the world's most renowned Mount Everest. Beside the beautiful sunrise scenery, Nagarkot also offers excellent view of the Indrawati River

3. Pokhara:

Pokhara is an enchanting city adorned with nature's finest manifestations, the glittering fish-tail summit, blue water lakes, gorges and deep ravines. It is the starting point for many of Nepal's most popular trekking and rafting destinations and is 200 km away from Kathmandu. The serenity of Phewa Lake and the magnificence of the fish-tail summit of Machhapuchhre (6,977 m) rising behind it creates an ambience of peace and magic. The valley surrounding Pokhara is home to thick forest gushing river, clear lakes and the world famous views of the Himalaya.

4. Lumbini:

Lumbini, the place where Lord Buddha was born, is a popular destination for Buddhist pilgrims as well as visitors from many different parts of the world, and also is regarded as a symbol of peace and understanding in the world community. Lumbini, like the Buddha, stands peacefully and calm, away from the crowds of the cities, on the southern plains of the country, surrounded by forests.

5. Tsum Valley:

Tsum Valley, located in a trans-Himalaya region of Gorkha, is a sacred Himalayan pilgrimage valley. Tsum comes from the Tibetan work 'Tsombo', which means vivid. Against the majestic backdrop of the Ganesh Himal, Sringi Himal and Baudha Himal ranges, this serene Himalayan valley is rich in ancient art, culture, and religion. The local people are mostly of Tibetan origin and speak a unique dialect. Trails are strewn with artistic chortens and lined with mani walls made of thousands of stone slabs carved with deities and prayers

6. Mustang:

Mustang, located north of the Annapurna range, is very isolated and geographically a part of Tibet. At the time of the Kingdom of Lo, Mustang prospered and dominated the Kali Gandaki River trade between India and Tibet. Now incorporated into Nepal, Mustang still remained off limits to foreigners until 1992. It is a land where mountains over 8000 m high cast shadows over the world's deepest canyon.

7. Chitwan National Park:

Chitwan National Park is one of the most interesting tourist destination in Nepal due to its natural wonders. The park encompasses an area of 932 km² in southern centre of Nepal and consists of a diversity of ecosystems, including the Churia Hills, lakes and the flood plains of the Rapti, Reu and Narayani Rivers. The Churia Hills rise slowly towards the east from the altitude of 150 m to more than 800 m. The western portion of the park is comprised of the lower hills but more rugged and it shares its western boundary with the ''Parsa Wildlife Reserve''. One of the major activities provided by the national park is elephant safari where the visitors may have the opportunity to get a closer view of the endangered one-horned rhinoceros while riding on the elephants.

8. Daman:

Daman, a small village situated 80 km south-west of Kathmandu at an altitude of about 2,400 m. It is located on the Tribhuvan highway in between Kathmandu and the town of Birgunj which can be reached in four hours drive from Kathmandu. For the view of the breathtaking grandeur of the world’s highest peaks extending in one glittering are from far west of Dhaulagiri to far east of Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) there is no better place than Daman. There is a view tower fitted with long range telescopes to help visitors have a better view of the serene Himalaya chain.

9. Janakpur:

Janakpur city, the Headquarter of Dhanusha district of Nepal, is about 400 km south-east of Kathmandu. This is a popular city in the Terai region. Janakpur is also known as Janakpurdham (Dham in Nepali means a scared region) It has a temple named Janaki, which is dedicated to the Hindu Goddess Sita. This region also offers an excellent opportunity for visitors to learn about Mithila culture, and people from in and around this peaceful region of Nepal. Hindu pilgrims from India and Nepal visit this region to pay their respect to the Goddess, while many foreigners make a side-trip to the region to learn about the unique Janakpur-life.

10. Namche Bazaar:

Namche Bazaar is a famous small town in Solukhumbu District in the Sagarmatha Zone of north-eastern Nepal. It sits at an elevation of 3440 m and is close to the highest peak in the world, Sagarmatha or Mt. Everest. Namche Bazaar is the entrance to the Everest region and is a popular resting or final destination for trekkers. The place is also the home of legendary Sherpas, a high altitude group of people who are famous for helping the mountaineering travellers reach their destination.

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